For Attorneys
Attorneys need clear-cut information to best present their divorcing clients’ cases. Collaborative Divorce Strategies works with attorneys, providing professional financial analysis and long-term financial planning and examining all the potential outcomes of the financial negotiations.
As an attorney...
Our Roadmap
This is what we use to help ensure the legal outcome is achieved with your client's best interests in mind.

Evaluation and Analysis
Our process involves taking a deep dive into your client’s marital standard of living and lifestyle, looking at past spending patterns and potential future lifestyle budgetary needs.
We’ll calculate income available for support by reviewing and analyzing tax returns, business documents, compensation and human resource documents, pension plan provisions, and brokerage statements. Armed with this information, we can develop an accurate and defensible analysis of your client’s or opposing party’s income to base support calculations.

Assistance and Consulting
With our expertise, we can provide attorneys with assistance and insight to help them better prepare their clients for their divorce. We help these clients identify, quantify, and fully understand the complexities of Executive Compensation plans, Investment Accounts, and Retirement plans.
For example, we can provide consultation about the division of non-qualified accounts not divisible by qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) and determine whether accounts are divisible by some other process or help find alternative equitable division strategies.
Additionally, we can assist in the discovery process to collect and review preliminary documents and advise counsel about any potential concerns regarding the opposing parties’ disclosure.
Post-divorce, we can assist clients with their transition management to ensure the settlement you worked hard to negotiate is enforced through title changes, beneficiary changes, asset transfers, and account division.

Collaboration and Preparation
With divorce proceedings, preparation is key. We collaborate with attorneys by preparing net worth statements to formulate a baseline for asset and debt division. As settlement negotiations begin, we develop alternative scenarios to help attorneys and their clients compare the outcome of various settlement options.

Informing and Educating
We help our mutual clients understand the financial implications of their decisions and equip clients with the knowledge to make good decisions, ultimately helping everyone understand what they need and want now and in the future.